How to Plan a Brilliant Learning at Work Week 2024

An interactive online workshop to plan LAW Week 2024 in your organisation


14 February 2024  I  1.15pm to 4.30pm

This half-day online and interactive workshop covers all the steps to create a branded Learning at Work Week campaign with activities that support your business goals and inspire and engages colleagues. It's a great opportunity to meet and share ideas with other companies taking part in Learning at Work Week too.

Whilst the workshop will focus on how to run Learning at Work Week, the planning steps and strategies can be applied to any learning and development campaign or promotion in your company or organisation.

What we'll do at the session

Starting with an issue, opportunity or challenge faced by your workplace, we'll take you through the approaches and steps you can use to design an engaging and creative Learning at Work Week campaign that is relevant for your workplace and context.

We will cover:

  • the essential planning steps and framework to build your Learning at Work Week campaign including how to use it as a testbed for innovation and 'catalyst for change' for both employees and your business
  • ideas, strategies and tactics you can use to develop special learning activities events and communications including digital and online approaches
  • successful approaches used by other companies and organisations
  • ideas linked to the 2024 theme 'Learning power'  
  • the wealth of resources and activity ideas available, many of which are free or low cost.

You will have the opportunity to share and discuss your ideas with delegates from a range of companies.

Who will benefit from attending?

This workshop is for HR, Learning and Development professionals, and colleagues with a remit for supporting or co-ordinating Learning at Work Week in their workplace.

Please note: as there is some overlap, delegates may not benefit as much if they have already attended the Designing Powerful Learning Campaigns for your Workplace workshop.

Cost to attend

The cost of the workshop is £120 (including VAT).

We offer discounts for not-for-profit organisations and for multiple bookings. Please get in touch with us on [email protected] to find out more.

How to book

Please sign in below to book your place. You can also book for colleagues.

2/14/2024 1:15 PM - 4:30 PM
GMT Standard Time

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